For the first time golfer the terms of the game, the different types of golf clubs used, and various definitions may sometimes make the game appear intimidating. It is possible for a beginner to quickly learn how to golf, once you get the basics, you’ll be enjoying a round in no time. Here are simple tips that will help you understand the basics of the game and how you can use that knowledge to play a better game of golf. From the equipment to the posture and the type of shots that will help you improve your game, the following tips cover everything that you need to know.

Basics About The Equipment

Every golfer is permitted to carry 14 clubs in the bag, but for a beginner, it may not be actually necessary to use 14 different clubs. You can actually start with 6 to 7 clubs which will help you to play the game easily. The best way to begin is to use forgiving clubs which will help you to improve your game. You can read more about forgiving clubs here to understand how these clubs will help you.Depending on the speed with which you swing, you can opt for a club that has a regular flex or stiff flex shaft, and for more help, you can follow this golf equipment buying guide. As you improve your skills you can choose clubs that are more suited to your style and skill level. Click remote control golf cart to buy the best remote control caddy to make playing golf much easier.

Getting Your Routine Right

Most beginners are likely to be tempted to you try and swing as aggressively as possible to generate a powerful shot. That is certainly not the best way to achieve control and accuracy. Rather than swinging the club aggressively, it would be a good idea to use the short irons for half swings. Once you have got this right, you gradually work on the length and speed of your swings. Erode this stage when you have started swinging with greater speed you can start working with middle irons. When you have achieved a certain level of skills with middle irons you can then start trying out the drivers. Make sure to learn the fundamentals of golfing to get that perfect swing and have a much more enjoyable time playing check out for more info on how to practice the basics and how to master them on your own terms.

Honing Your Skills In Handling The Short Shots

Almost one-half of the total numbers of shots used in the game of golf is the short shots. It is, therefore, necessary to work on these shots to improve the overall skill level. In other words, you need to spend a lot of time working with wedges. When you practice your skills with putters and wedges, it may not be necessary to actually head out to a golf course. You can practice this from the comfort of your home. Once you master the short shots, you will find it easy to focus more on the other shots.

Take Assistance From A Professional Teacher To Improve Your Game

You will not be in a position to assess yourself or identify the wrong posture that you are adopting. A trained and committed teacher will be in a position to help you identify the areas of improvement, it that can lift your game to higher levels, and I know that my game needs this.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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