


CBD, also known as cannabidiol, has gained significant popularity in recent years for its potential therapeutic benefits. While primarily known for its association with cannabis, CBD is now making its way into the skincare industry. With its anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties, CBD has become a sought-after ingredient in various skincare products. In this article, we will explore the benefits of CBD for skincare, how it works, different types of CBD skincare products, tips for incorporating it into your skincare routine, and important considerations when using CBD for skincare.

The Benefits of CBD for Skincare

Moisturizing and Hydrating the Skin

CBD has moisturizing properties that help in maintaining the skin’s hydration levels. It interacts with the skin receptors and helps in regulating the skin’s oil production, making it suitable for both dry and oily skin types.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

One of the key benefits of CBD for skincare UK is its anti-inflammatory properties. CBD can help reduce inflammation and redness, making it beneficial for individuals with sensitive or acne-prone skin.

Acne Treatment

CBD has shown potential in reducing acne symptoms. Its anti-inflammatory properties, combined with its ability to regulate oil production, can help prevent clogged pores and reduce breakouts.

Anti-Aging Effects

CBD possesses antioxidant properties that can help fight free radicals and reduce the signs of aging. It may help in reducing the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots, promoting a more youthful-looking complexion.

How CBD Works for Skincare

CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) and skin receptors to produce various beneficial effects. The ECS plays a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions, including the skin’s health. CBD influences the ECS and helps maintain balance in the skin’s functions.

Different Types of CBD Skincare Products

CBD is available in various forms for skincare, allowing individuals to choose products that suit their preferences and needs. Some common types of CBD skincare products include:

CBD-infused Lotions and Creams: These are topically applied products that provide targeted relief and moisturization to specific areas of the skin.

CBD Facial Serums and Oils: These products are designed to be lightweight and easily absorbed, delivering CBD and other beneficial ingredients deep into the skin for overall facial rejuvenation.

CBD Bath Bombs and Salts: These products are meant for whole-body relaxation and skincare. They can be added to bathwater, allowing the CBD and other ingredients to soothe and nourish the skin.

Choosing the Right CBD Skincare Products

When selecting CBD skincare products, it’s essential to consider a few factors to ensure their quality and effectiveness:

Quality and Purity of CBD: Look for products made from high-quality CBD derived from organically grown hemp. Third-party lab testing certificates can provide assurance regarding the purity and potency of the CBD used.

Additional Ingredients and Formulations: Consider the other ingredients in the product. Look for natural and beneficial additives like essential oils, vitamins, and botanical extracts that complement the effects of CBD.

Third-Party Testing and Certifications: Ensure that the product has been tested by an independent laboratory to verify its CBD content and ensure it is free from harmful substances like pesticides or heavy metals.

Tips for Incorporating CBD into Your Skincare Routine

If you’re new to using CBD in your skincare routine, here are some tips to help you get started:

Patch Test for Sensitivity: Before applying a CBD skincare product to your face or body, perform a patch test on a small area of skin to check for any adverse reactions or sensitivities.

Start with a Low Concentration: Begin with products that have a lower concentration of CBD and gradually increase the dosage or potency as needed.

Gradually Increase the Usage: Introduce CBD Edibles Legal UK slowly into your routine to monitor how your skin responds. Start with using them a few times a week and then gradually increase usage if there are no negative effects.

Potential Side Effects and Precautions

While CBD is generally well-tolerated, it’s important to be aware of potential side effects and take necessary precautions:

Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may experience allergic reactions to CBD or other ingredients in skincare products. If you notice any irritation, redness, or itching, discontinue use immediately and consult a dermatologist.

Drug Interactions: CBD may interact with certain medications, especially those metabolized by the liver. If you are taking any prescription medications, consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating CBD into your skincare routine.

Consultation with a Healthcare Professional: If you have any underlying medical conditions or concerns, it’s always recommended to consult a healthcare professional before using CBD skincare products.

The Legality of CBD in Skincare Products

The legality of CBD in skincare products varies depending on the source and the specific regulations in different regions. In general:

Hemp-derived CBD vs. Marijuana-derived CBD: CBD derived from hemp plants with less than 0.3% THC is legal in many countries. However, CBD derived from marijuana plants may be subject to stricter regulations due to its higher THC content.

Legal Considerations and Regulations: It’s important to research and understand the legal requirements and regulations regarding CBD in your specific area before purchasing or using CBD skincare products.

If you’re not sure how to put together a skincare routine, or if you simply want to brush up on the basics, you’ve come to the right place!

Creating the best skincare routine for your skin isn’t just about having the best products. For the best results, you need to know when to apply each product, the types of products that work best with your skin, and the non-negotiable essentials that have to be included in any skincare routine.

Today, we want to help you build a skincare routine for your skin. To do that, we’ve put together this simple guide that tells you everything you need to know about creating skincare routines.

By the end, you should be able to build a skincare routine that suits your skin type. If you want to learn more about skincare, make sure you check out Natural Beauty Uncovered too!

Know Your Skin Type

You can’t even think about putting together an effective skincare routine if you don’t know your skin type. Understanding your skin type is where any skincare routine starts. This is important because skin care products that are one size fits all very rarely work.

Instead, your skin needs products that are tailored to it. The first thing you need to do is figure out if you have oily, dry, sensitive, or combination skin. Once you’ve figured this out, you can start building your routine.

The Three Non-Negotiables

While you can quite easily jam-pack your skincare routine with endless steps, not all of them are necessary. However, there are three essentials that even stripped-back skincare routines require.

Those essentials are:

  • Cleansing
  • Toning
  • Moisturizing

Without these three steps, you can’t hope to create the perfect skincare routine. These three steps should always be done in the same order and you can fit in extra steps, such as professional facial treatments (which you can learn more here about), in between if you wish. However, a simple and effective skincare routine can be made with just these three things.

A Basic Skin Care Routine Using The Three Non-Negotiables

We’re now going to show you a basic skincare routine you can follow with just the three non-negotiables.

Step 1 – Cleansing

Cleansing is super important for a morning and night skincare routine. Regular cleansing is pivotal to maintaining skin that looks and feels healthy. Using a cleanser, you can remove the build-up of makeup, dirt, oils, and dead skin.

The main purpose of cleansing is to strip away the necessary layers of skin. You should cleanse your face once in the morning and once in the evening using a cleanser that suits your skin type.

Step 2 – Toning

After cleansing your skin, you can use a toner to provide a healthier layer that better absorbs your skin care products. Toners essentially provide the skin with more nutrients.

Often thought of as an optional step, toners can be a great addition to a skincare routine if you need to replenish your skin. You should apply toner after your cleansing using a soft pad or cotton ball.

Step 3 – Moisturizing

The final step of a simple skincare routine should be to moisturize your skin. Moisturizing helps hydrate and soften your skin, while also locking in moisture and nutrients. The moisturizer also protects the skin from environmental irritants.

You should apply moisturizer once in the morning and once in the evening after cleansing and toning your skin. Once again, you should find a moisturizer that suits your skin type.

If you want to get rid of stretch marks, you should also pick a moisturizer that has cocoa, shea, or jojoba butter.

Additional Steps You Might Want To Add

Building an effective skincare routine also requires you to add the right additional steps. While you might be perfectly happy with a 3-step routine, there are other steps you might want to add.

We’ve listed the additional steps you might want to include in your skincare routine below!

  • Exfoliation
  • Serums
  • Masks
  • Vitamins
  • Sunscreen protection
  • Retinoid
  • Spot treatment
  • Eye cream

Things To Consider

We’ll finish off with some important things you should consider when building a skincare routine.

  • Less is more – You don’t have to go overboard with your skincare routine. Most of us don’t need or have the time to carry out a 10-step skincare routine every morning. Try and limit your routine down to the essentials.
  • Expensive doesn’t always mean better – Don’t think you have to buy the most expensive products to experience the best results.
  • Give it time – Building the perfect skincare routine takes time. You need to give yourself time to work out what does and doesn’t work for your skin.
  • Consistency is key – Tying into having patience, staying consistent is important too. Make sure you stick to your routine every day.

Final Thoughts

If you’ve never created a skincare routine before, doing so might seem quite daunting. However, once you know the basics, building your own skincare routine isn’t that hard.

In this post, we’ve outlined the key things you need to remember when building the perfect skincare routine. All you have to do now is put your new knowledge into action and start to create your own skincare routine.

Healthy, well-hydrated skin is a must to keep your face looking young and bright. Your skin is the largest organ in your body, protecting you from smog, UV rays, and bad weather. Keeping your skin healthy and hydrated makes it look good. It helps it stay healthy and avoid problems like dryness, flakiness, and early aging.

Keeping your face healthy and hydrated is important to look young and full of life. If you care for your skin and live a healthy life, you can get skin that shines and glows. To keep your skin healthy, it’s essential to talk to a dermatologist who can give you information that’s right for your skin type and condition, as per the recommendation of some experts.

Water is what hydration means. Your skin needs water to be solid and flexible, which is another way of saying it needs water to look and feel healthy.

Keeping your skin healthy and hydrated is important for your appearance and health. Here we talk about some of the things you can do to keep your skin healthy and hydrated.

5 Tips to Keep Your Skin Healthy and Hydrated

Drink A Lot Of Water

Hydration starts from the inside, and drinking lots of water is one of the easiest and most effective ways to keep your face hydrated. Water helps your body eliminate toxins and keeps your face clear and moist.

A dermatologist would likely recommend drinking plenty of water as part of a comprehensive skincare routine. Water is essential for maintaining healthy skin, and the best dermatologist in Louisville would likely advise their patients to aim for at least 8 glasses of water daily. By staying hydrated, our skin is better able to retain moisture and elasticity, which can help prevent the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Healthy Diet

How healthy your skin depends a lot on what you eat. Eating a well-balanced diet of nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants can help keep your skin healthy and hydrated. Include foods like bananas, nuts, and seeds high in healthy fats, which can help your skin lock in moisture.

Also, eat foods high in vitamin C, like citrus fruits, berries, and leafy green veggies. These foods help the body make collagen, which keeps the skin flexible and moist. Dermatologists suggest including this in your diet.

Regular Skincare Routine

Daily skin care practice is important to keep your skin healthy and hydrated. Cleansing, toning, and moisturizing are the basics of a skincare program. Start by removing dirt, oil, and makeup from your face with a gentle cleanser for your skin type.

Follow up with a toner to help restore the pH balance of your face and close up the pores. Finish by applying a lotion for your skin type to lock in moisture and keep your skin moist all day. Experts and dermatologists highly suggest maintaining a regular skincare routine.

Protect Your Skin From Direct Sunlight

Sun damage can make your skin dry and cause you to lose water. Even on cloudy days, wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to protect your skin from UV rays. Put sunscreen on every visible part of your visible skin and reapply it every two hours or after swimming or sweating.

In addition to using sunscreen, you should find shade, wear protective clothing like wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses, and avoid being in the sun for long periods, especially between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun is at its strongest. The family doctor in Louisville highly recommends including this in your skincare journey.

Use Humidifier

Especially in the winter, being inside in a dry environment can take the moisture out of your skin, dehydrating it. A humidifier at home or at work can add moisture to the air and keep your skin from drying out.

Put a humidifier in your bedroom or other places you spend a lot of time to help your skin stay at the proper humidity level. To keep your skin and lungs healthy, the humidity level should be between 40 and 60%.

Keeping your skin healthy and hydrated is important for general health and looking young. Cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing, and protecting the skin from the sun are all important ways to keep the skin fresh and healthy.

Drinking water, eating well, and getting enough sleep are important ways to hydrate your skin. Dry and damaged skin can be avoided by not using complex skin care products, spending too much time in the sun, or smoking. Serums, oils, and hydrating masks can also help improve and keep skin hydrated.

The best way to keep your skin healthy, soft, and hydrated is to take a holistic approach that includes a healthy lifestyle, good skin care practices, and protection from environmental factors.

Why Does Skin Lose Hydration?

Different things cause the skin to lose water. One of the main reasons is that the normal aging process makes the skin less able to make enough oil and keep water in.

Dry skin can happen when the lipids that seal in wetness are removed. Atopic dermatitis, or eczema, is a common disease where the skin barrier is more likely to break down.

The skin can also lose its natural moisture when exposed to harsh weather, pollution, and UV rays. The skin can lose more moisture if you spend too much time in the sun, take hot showers, or use hard skin care products.

Also, some medical conditions, medicines, and hormone changes can affect how much water is in the skin. Overall, the skin’s moisture loss is caused by internal and external causes. This leads to dry, flaky, and dull skin.

Keeping skin hydrated can be done with a good makeup routine, hydration from the inside, and protection from the outside world.


Skin needs constant care and attention to stay healthy and fresh. It is important to have a skincare routine that includes gentle cleansing, regular exfoliation, and moisturizing with products that are right for your skin type.

For healthy skin, staying away from harsh skincare products and outdoor pollutants is essential, as is protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays and drinking enough water throughout the day.

A healthy diet of antioxidants and nutrients can help your face stay healthy and look good. Sleeping and managing stress are also important because they can change your skin’s appearance.

Last but not least, avoiding smoking and drinking too much alcohol and having good hygiene habits can also help keep your skin healthy and hydrated. By making these habits a part of your daily life and sticking to your beauty routine, you can get and stay fit, hydrated, and glowing.

If you’re currently on TikTok you have no doubt seen the increase in popularity of the practice of ‘facial taping.’ This process has the user placing small pieces of tape over the top of creams and serums on their face – and is a temporary fix for small wrinkles.

The new way to MicroMask at home that doesn’t involve tape, Botox or a needle, is through the placement of unique patches on the surface of the skin.

Vice Reversa is the world’s first anti-ageing MicroMask brand uses a scientifically proven method of delivering a concentrated dose of active ingredients to layers of the skin that are not typically reached by using creams and serums alone.

Vice Reversa’s ground-breaking MicroMask treatments are a welcome relief to skincare aficionados across the UK. Over two thirds of people say they’re frustrated that their skincare products don’t do what they say they will. Compare that with a whopping 92% of Vice Reversa’s ground-breaking MicroMask treatment users who say that they saw visible results in just three weeks. In fact, 89% of users said Vice Reversa’s treatments performed better than any cream or serum they’ve tried.

MicroMasks use a scientific method of ingredient delivery that was initially designed for vaccinations (without the need of syringes or injectors). Vice Reversa adapted that very same technology to deliver active skincare ingredients directly to problem areas, making MicroMasking the most effective, non-invasive way of treating fine lines, wrinkles and spots.

These revolutionary at-home treatments offer one of the most concentrated skincare treatments on the market, bridging the gap between traditional skincare and invasive salon treatments – all with zero recovery time and zero pain.

The MicroMasks come in a range of different shapes, designed to treat specific skincare problems and problem areas. Each patch is covered with tiny MicroCrystals that contain a specific formulation to treat a range of concerns.

Active ingredients are crystallised into microscopic pyramids that easily (and painlessly) pass through the skin’s outer barrier. On application, these crystals create micro-channels into the epidermis where they fully dissolve into the deeper skin layers over the course of two hours.

Vice Reversa MicroMasks Include:

Eye Rejuvenator, £39.95 (4 x applications per pack)

An intensive under eye treatment programme, that hydrates, brightens and offers skin long term support. Contains hyaluronic acid to hydrate and plump, plus Vitamin C to reduce dark circles, and Collagen Boosting Peptides to promote the skin’s natural collagen and elastin production.

Crow De-Creaser, £49.95 (4 x applications per pack)

Offers an instant hydration and forming effect. Contains Retinal (more effective than Retinol), Hyaluronic Acid to hydrate and plump, and Peptides for anti-ageing properties.

Pigment Fader
, £29.95 (12 x applications per pack)

Can be used for blemishes or dark spots. Contains Niacinamide to strengthen the skin’s barrier, boost hydration, and repair hyper-pigmentation. Also contains Glutathione to brighten and rejuvenate, and Tranexamic Acid to reduce pigmentation and improve the skin’s texture.

Spot Stoppa, £29.95 (12 x applications per pack)

These patches contain Salicylic Acid to unclog pores, reduce bacteria, and smooth swollen skin. They also contain Totarol to reinforce the skin’s natural defences, and Green Tea Extract to reduce sebum and sooth irritation.

All available to purchase from Vice Reversa. Also available from Harrods, Sephora UK, and Fenwick.

Veo is the go-to marketplace for all things sustainable including a huge variety of ethical beauty products all made by independent businesses.

What’s not to love about finding a new beauty website that is dedicated to sustainability?

Veo stocks bath and body, skincare, haircare, fragrance and cosmetics products, most of which are vegan, clean, and ethical. So, if you’re looking to replace your usual beauty products with a more ethical collection, Veo should be on your radar.

There’s beauty and skincare for men and women, with plenty more besides, such as home décor and furnishing, clothes for adults and children, tasty food, plus health and wellness. It’s a website for all things ethical.

Veo are on a mission to make sustainable shopping easier and more accessible. Customers can be confident that by shopping on Veo they will find no greenwashing brands, no fast fashion, and zero products that are produced irresponsibly.

The Veo website showcases hundreds of small brands at reasonable prices. They include JAL Skin, Wild Rising, Douvall’s, Beauty Cleanses Skin, Fais, Soap daze, Pairfum London, Madekind and plenty more that offer climate positive and zero waste products.

Veo Sustainable Beauty Edit

A few of the beauty products at Veo we love include:

Wild Rising, Bath Salt Collection, £19

Wild Rising’s collection includes four superb sets of bath salts: Awaken (lavender, jasmine and rose), Unwind (chamomile and neroli), Uplift (orange, lemon and peppermint), and Hero (eucalyptus and lavender).

Nikki Hill Apothecary, Deep Comfort Bath & Body Oil, £17.50

Deep Comfort Bath & Body Oil relaxes muscular tension and headaches, plus it also eases period pain cramps. Containing clary sage, roman chamomile, sweet marjoram and lavender essential oils.

Soap Daze, Lavender & Orange Bath Oil, £15

A beautifully nourishing body oil with lavender to calm, and sweet orange to lift the mood and help with relaxation. Furthermore, the oil contains hempseed, grapeseed and jojoba.

JAL Skin, The Purifying Mist, £15

Rich in Vitamin C this toner helps to remove excess oils and impurities from the face, whilst helping to brighten and tone the skin. Moreover, the mist contains Rosa Damascena Flower Water, Aloe Vera, and Rose essential oil to cleanse deep into the pores.

MADEKIND, Natural Relax & Unwind Gift Box, £50

Perfectly packaged into a gift the MADEKIND trio includes mineral rich relaxing bath salts, a luxurious aromatherapy candle, and a mood enhancing room mist.

Dolma, Vegamusk Fragrance, £55.96

100% Vegan Musk fragrance from Dolma is a best seller. With soft notes of jasmine and lily enriched with nuances of sandalwood all layered on a bed of vegan honey and musk.

Visit Veo to check out all their sustainable products.

Here at House of Coco we are big fans of businesses that support and celebrate women which is why we are quickly falling for new kid on the beauty block, Counter Culture.

Co-founded by Wendy Martin, who previously held senior roles at Visa, she turned her back on the corporate world to create a sustainable, ethical online beauty retail destination that champions female-led brands. To celebrate International Women’s Day House of Coco caught up Wendy to find out more about this exciting new brand.

Wendy’s passion lies in championing sustainable, ethical businesses and driving consumer change. The beauty industry came into sharp focus when her research highlighted the average consumer uses 12-16 products a day and the industry, as a whole, produces some 120 billion units of packaging every year, much of which is not recyclable. Along with her co-founder, Mark Wisniewski they wanted to make it easier for people to discover, shop and switch to more sustainable alternatives and to empower them to shop in-line with their values, whether that be vegan, cruelty-free, plastic-free, refillable, multi-purpose or upcycled.

Counter Culture is focused on building a community of like-minded people. Their aim is to help connect conscious consumers and businesses with their brands and products and this is highlighted in the discounts and rewards they give to customers for sustainable living activities, such as recycling pre-loved clothes in return for a Counter Culture voucher or by offering discounts via partners for food waste or recycling activities.

Here at House of Coco we love the brand for its discoverability. While they stock some of the best known beauty and wellbeing brands like Olaplex, Medik8 and Trilogy, they also stock smaller, indie ranges making it easier for people to discover and switch to new, upcoming brands. Wendy recommends putting Centred, Fighter shots and Dehlicious on your beauty radar. These hot new brands are stocked on the site and set to blow up in 2023. She’s also got her eye on new collaborations and says, “we’d love to bring Byoma, Cultured Biomecare, Wild Science Lab to our platform soon.”

Supporting female founders is important to Wendy. Research shows all female-founded businesses secured less than 2p in every £1 of venture capital investment, despite the fact that female-founded companies continue to outperform in the broader market. She says, “within our broader vision we aspire to help support emerging, female-founded businesses get investment and retail ready. But right now, recognising we are still very early in our own journey, we’re focused on championing as many female founders as we can. Over 85% of the brands on our site are female-founded.”

The beauty market is crowded so being innovative and fresh is key to getting standout. Wendy says, “There are so many brands killing it right now. I’m a fan of those that are focused on “anti-stress” beauty. Great examples include Faace, with their period and menopause masks and Centred and Abyssian with their focus on scalp as well as hair health. I love multi-use products, like Seeds of Colour with their make-up balm that’s perfect for lips, cheeks and eyes and Dr Lipp with their stripped-back, multi-use products. Some products that are personal favourites, include Medik8’s Press and Glow and Crystal Retinal and Juice Beauty’s Prebiotix Freshly Squeezed Glow.”

It’s an exciting time for Wendy and her Counter Culture team, watch this space as she’s only just getting started.

Note: Contains spoilers.

Oscar award-winning costume designer, Colleen Atwood successfully uses different textures and silhouettes to create dimension in an exclusive black and white palette in Netflix’s Wednesday. Drawing upon haute-couture designer houses like DIOR, Prada, and Burberry, the inspiration is more runway than costume, for the heroine, who is “allergic to color.”


From her mid-semester entrance at Nevermore Academy, Wednesday’s school look is utilitarian. This is complete with the addition of a tie and a blazer. As the story unfolds, viewers see Wednesday’s fitted athleisure for the Poe Cup. The look inspired by The Black Cat, a short-story by Nevermore’s most famous fictitious alumni, Edgar Allen Poe. In later episodes, Wednesday wears a show-stopping Alaïa lace and ruffle dress at the annual Rave’N dance.

Tops and Bottoms:

Alice + Oliva Luna Striped Crewneck

TANNER FLETCHER Beadie Satin Stripe Pussybow Blouse

Alice + Olivia Chase Puff Sleeve Sweater with Collar

RIHOAS The Black Bowknot Lantern Sleeve Sheer Blouse

Zadig&Voltaire Joslin Strass Skirt

Alice + Olivia Pompey High Waisted Pleated Pants


KORAL Mina Blackout Long Sleeve Shrug – Black

KORAL Jet Infinity Jumpsuit – Black


Needle & thread Genevieve Ruffle Gown

NA-KD Lace Mini Dress

Gaâla Coralie Dress


Alice + Olivia Macey Cuffed Shawl Collar Blazer

Nina Nieves Raven Long Cape in Black

needle & thread Sylvie Cable Jewelled Knee Length Cape

Footwear and Accessories

Whether it’s playing her cello at Nevermore’s Outreach Day, or planning an impromptu stakeout at the Gates Mansion, Wednesday’s footwear and accessory choice provides strict function. Even the black snood, a birthday gift from Enid (friend/roommate), found such a life-saving purpose in the dumbwaiter.


Thursday Boots Reign

Thursday Boots Dynasty

Rakoh Women’s Suede All Day Chelsea Boot

VIVAIA Rebecca Square-Toe Block Heel Knee-High Boots

SIMONMILLER Hustler Loafer

Rouje BABIES Shoes


Logan Hollowell Queen Oval Onyx Necklace with Sprinkled Diamonds

Strathberry Cashmere Travel Wrap

Smythson Zip Around Backpack in Panama

PATOU Le Petit Patou

Strathberry Safari in Embossed Croc Black

CALZEDONIA Rhinestone Diamond Opaque 50 Denier Tights

CALZEDONIA Diamond Motif Mesh Tights

Beauty & Skincare

Starting with a casket-ready, clear complexion, head makeup artist, Tara McDonald creates Wednesday’s signature look. Think a hummer-stung lip and a smokey eye. Check out these products to achieve your own half-dead look.


WINKY LUX Galaxy Kitten Eyeshadow Palette

Gucci L’Obscur Long Wearing Eyeliner Pen

WINKY LUX ExtravaLash Bold Black Mascara

Gucci Glow & Care Shine Lipstick

WINKY LUX Matte Lip Velour Lipstick

DAZZLE DRY Polish in Bold

Gucci Vernis À Ongles in Black Crystal

CHILL HOUSE Chill Tips in Creepy Baby

KUMA Glow Biome

LENDAVA Good Night Face Cream – 50 ml

Prakti PritiPolish™ Instant Glow Exfoliator

TeenVogue has all the 411 on Wednesday Season 2. Read the story here.

We all need a little treat every once in a while, why not treat yourself to a new beauty product?

Maybe you’d like new skincare, or makeup, or a tool for your hair? How about a beauty subscription box to wow yourself with, or something small but necessary for your makeup bag?

Whether it’s an item you need, or an item you want, we’ve got you covered with prices from just £7.50 to £60.

OK! Beauty Subscription Box, £7.50 per month (special offer) from OK! Beauty Box 

With money saving being at the forefront of everyone’s minds this is a fantastic lower cost way to stock up on beauty needs. The Wellness Edit, worth over £95 includes brands like OTO, Christophe Robin, Paul Yacomine, Doctors Formula, Westlab and OK!

Face Halo, Bamboo Pads, £15 (8 x pads) from Face Halo 

Introducing Face Halo’s brand new Bamboo Pads – flexible, lightweight, and reusable alternatives to make the application of liquid skincare easier and more sustainable. Since 2017 Face Halo have pioneered the way for sustainable skincare solutions; having stopped over one billion disposable makeup wipes from ending up in landfill sites.

Peace Out, Instant Pore Perfector, £23 from Beauty Bay 

Vegan, cruelty free, non-irritating, and free from silicone, parabens, sulphates, and phthalate. This pore perfector instantly blurs those pesky pores, and helps to improve the skin texture and refine any lines or wrinkles. Hero ingredients include hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, and mushroom extract to hydrate, soothe, reduce redness, and smooth the overall complexion.

Mac, Year of Glam Eyeshadow Palette, £36 from Selfridges 

Part of the Selfridges’ Lunar New Year Edit, this Mac palette is stacked with 8 gorgeous matte hues, and beautiful shimmering shades, all highly pigmented formulas that sit perfectly on the eyelids. 

Bellissima, 2-in-1 Beach Waves Styler, £59.99 from Very 

You can opt for sculpted or soft waves with this 2-in-1 styler from Bellissima. There are 3 temperatures to choose from, meaning that your hair will look defined, silky, and shiny. This multi tool styler works to give the best waves!

Transformulas, FaceFixers Iconic Lift & Plump Duo, £60 from Transformulas 

Award winning non-invasive lift and plump FaceFixers products. Lip Volume adds 40% more volume to the lips, and Eyelifting helps to lift tired, heavy, and hooded eyes.

Sarah Amelia Fogg, the famed celebrity permanent makeup artist and cosmetic tattoo artist has released a collection of award-winning brow products, and we are here for them.

The product range is vegan, sustainable, and cruelty-free, and the products are clinically proven to work, naturally derived, and scientifically engineered.

Sarah’s trademark supernatural, fluffy, and subtle-looking brows can now be recreated at home with her newly launched products. This is something her reputable client list including many models and celebrity clients has been visiting her, for years.

The Brows by Sarah Collection

Fluff It Up, £39

Celebrity MUA Launches Brows by Sarah

An extremely lightweight, yet strong clear gel that lifts, fixes & sculpts the brows instantly. It can be used with or without makeup, and offers a complex combination of plant extracts that help to improve skin elasticity and encourage collagen production.

Fluff It Up is the perfect brow product for the days when less is more, or for a no-make-up look that gives an understated chic finish.

Wow Brow, £39

This is a 3-in-1 brow product that adds depth, breadth and definition with a re-growth property that instantly adds colour to the brow hair whilst adding immediate definition with the built-in brow sculpt. Available in Espresso, which is a rich dark brown suitable for darker brows, and Mocha, a warm brown suitable for blondes or anyone wanting subtle coverage.

A game changer in the world of brows, Wow Brow gives off vibes of pure perfection and total brow indulgence.

Wow Brow Pencil, £17

Brand new to the collection, the Wow Brow Pencil comes in three gorgeous shades: Espresso, Mocha, and Latte. The highly pigmented signature pencil has a retractable triangular nip, which brings precise hair strokes and powder brows in one.

Dual ended, with a spoolie brush to tame unwanted and unruly hairs.

Airport Friendly Makeup Bag, £16

The Brows by Sarah makeup bag is dainty, yet deceptively spacious, and fits all brow products in one place for travelling, ideal size for a handbag or cabin hand luggage.

For more information on the full collection, to purchase any of the products, or a find out about buying a bundle, visit Brows by Sarah.

Who even knew there was a National Bubble Bath Day?

We are 100% here for it, this Sunday 8th January. Traditionally a cold and miserable winter’s day, the thought of relaxing in a hot steamy bath topped with bouncing bubbles fills us with excitement.

It couldn’t have fallen on a better day of the week. Sunday, the day to sleep-in, chill out, and sloth about!

Whether you opt for a morning bath, an afternoon bath or an evening bath, it is the epitome of luxury when you fill it with scented bubbles.

So, get yourself some bubble bath and enjoy every moment luxuriating in your bath this coming Sunday.

In case you don’t have any bubbles to hand, we recommend the following…

Bubbles For You

Fenjal, Classic Bath Bubbles, £6.90 from Fenjal

A nourishing formula with natural jojoba oil, to smooth and moisturise.

Tisserand, Mandarin & May Chang Uplifting Bath Soak, £14 from Tisserand

Soak in this vibrant sunny scent that has a citrus kick to refresh and vitalise.

Noble Isle, Golden Harvest Luxury Bubble Bath & Shower Gel, £22 from Noble Isle

This bubble bath releases a bouquet of fragrance to stimulate the olfactory palette.

Lush, Peach Crumble Bubble Bar, £7 from Lush

A ripe and fruity bubble bar that produces davana oil bubbles

Bubbles For The Kids

Burt’s Bees, Baby Bubble Bath, £11.99 from Burt’s Bees

For a playful bath time and to gently cleanse your baby’s skin.

Kids Stuff Crazy, Magical Sparkling Bubble Bath, £2.49 from Superdrug

Kids go crazy with this transformation of bath water into a glitter sparkling bubble bath. It’s all about the fun!

Here’s to you, enjoying a bath this National Bubble Bath Day, Sunday 8th January 2023.