Social media is great. You use it to connect to your friends and family, and even meet other people from different cultures, countries and backgrounds. Some people have managed to make a whole career out of social media itself, and new jobs in the field are coming up such as the rise of social media marketers and managers. There are countless ways to boost your social media presence, with buying Facebook reactions being one of them. They are all very effective and if properly used, can really make a difference for you and your business.

In addition, there are plenty of ways people and businesses are now using to boost the reach of their content through engagements, like the famous – Instagram automation tool, which increases likes on your posts and drives them up the algorithm.

However, the advantages it brings also come with a dark side to them. Many are increasingly becoming aware that it can be a dark place if you are not careful, as it exposes you to lack of privacy, addiction, and data capture without your knowledge. Now, it is better to realize that the way you manage your social media use is entirely in your hands, and you have a choice in what applications you use and how you use them.

If managing your accounts is something you are struggling with, here are some useful tips to help you take back control.

Learn to not respond to everything you see

There is plenty of research that shows social overload is actually real, and it happens frequently in social media. for instance, your friends ask you plenty of questions dealing with various topics like moving to a new place, getting recipes for birthday cakes, getting the right dresses to wear at an upcoming event, and so on.

While you may want to help with all their questions, recognize that focusing too much on this can stress you out because you end up feeling overwhelmed. Learn to be selective about the questions and posts you respond to, and recognize that you do not need to respond to someone who is posting their thoughts 100 times a day.

Most of the time, the original poster will not mind, since they are likely not keeping tabs on the responders anyway.

Do not worry about missing out

If there is a problem many people are dealing with on social media platforms, it is the FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). You are afraid that if you disappear from your accounts, even for a few hours, you have missed out on so much and you cannot catch up – but the truth is, it’s never that serious.

At the end of the day, it is important to remember that you have no control over what will get to your newsfeed and when it will come – the social media platform algorithm will decide on that. The fact that you are frequently checking and refreshing your feed is not going to change any of that, so it makes no sense to start worrying over missing out on a friend’s post.

Do not allow it to distract you

Social media updates happen all the time, and they can distract you if you are not careful. Although reducing this distraction is easier to say than do, you have to make a hard choice and decide if you will allow them to take your time and space. The danger that they pose is well known, as many people have stories of accidents occurring and time wastage because of you constantly checking and refreshing your feed – it is not worth it.

Don’t allow yourself to be fooled

Aside from the fear of missing out, there is another problem social media tends to shove in your face – and that is telling you to take everything as you see it. This issue has actually led to other issues such as depression, because you are constantly seeing other people doing better things than you thanks to their posts and updates.

For example, constantly seeing that people you know are living their best lives and travelling to the best places makes you feel envy and worry, especially when you know you do not have the resources to even live such a lifestyle. However, you must learn to remember that not everything you see on social media is actually true – people might be making up things along the way, just to please their audience.

In addition, there is no one that will share absolutely everything about themselves on social media – even the ones that have good things happening in their lives. There are things they will never tell you, so do not allow yourself to be fooled that they are sharing every aspect of their lives with you on the internet. This realization will help you remember to never compare yourself with them or with what they show you.

Set limits on yourself

Social media is great, but it can be incredibly exhausting, especially when you are not setting limits on the time you spend on it. It does not help you anyway, so you might as well establish limits on the time you spend on your devices – even if you are doing other things like working. Note that you should avoid spending time on social media during your breaks from your devices or working, otherwise, you can easily get into a loop of social media and work.

Learn to discipline yourself and withdraw from your devices. Get off work, take a walk outside, clean your working space, breathe in some fresh air, or talk to friends or colleagues – and always do this when you have hit your limits. This will ultimately instill a habit of not always looking at your social media whenever you take your breaks, and refreshes your mind as well.

Ground yourself in reality

As much as these media platforms help us to connect with others, it is important to remember you are still a human being that requires some human interaction. Do not just sit at your computer or device all day, scrolling through your feed – take a break, go out with friends, or talk to your family.


Social media is good in many ways, but it does not act as a substitute for human empathy. It will not do much to help maintain your life stability, so always ensure there is some form of balance in your life even as you use it.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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